

Discipleship is the heartbeat and core ministry of the Greentown Baptist Church. Participants meet weekly with another believer, one on one, for the purpose of being established in the Word of God, in fellowship with other believers, in the ministry of the local church, and ultimately in the work of the Lord (making and multiplying disciples for Jesus Christ).

Biblical Basis

Jesus called all believers to grow beyond simple belief and saving faith in Him and become a lifelong disciple who continues in His word (John 8:31). Jesus modeled discipleship by investing the Word of God personally into the life of his 12 disciples who followed him as He followed the Father.
We see the commission to make disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 (the Great Commission) where Jesus commissions us to go and teach all nations (the gospel), guide believers to be established and baptized in a local church, and finally to teach those believers to observe all the truths of God (become disciples).
Paul reminded his disciple Timothy of this same commission in 2 Timothy 2:2 challenging Timothy to take the things he had learned from Paul personally and invest those same things personally into other faithful disciples.

Practically at Greentown Baptist Church

We are convinced at Greentown Baptist Church that this commission to make disciples is for all believers. Most of our membership are equipped and committed to invest God’s word personally for any who desire to grow in their faith through a personal discipleship relationship.

Our disciplers use a set of materials called Journey which take both disciple and discipler on a journey through basic foundational truths including topics such as salvation, baptism, prayer, assurance of salvation, the local church, bible prophecy, and many others.  Beyond covering these topics, a personal relationship is established, questions are discussed and answered on a personal and safe level, the Bible is read and studied beyond the Journey lessons, and accountability is established between disciple and discipler on the journey.

Anyone can sign up to be discipled at our church services or by contacting our church office at office@greentownbaptist.com. When you sign up or send a contact to our office about this ministry, we will contact you to answer any questions you may have concerning discipleship, and if you desire to proceed, we will then connect you with a discipler to begin.